Victory At Z3

Sometimes it’s worth getting up early. Todays op was to take the Z3 system and deny IT their last jump bridge into Fountain, cutting off their pets from aid. It was set for 6:30am. Since they can’t beat us in US or EU prime, they’ve opted for downtime timers on their infrastructure. It didn’t start… Continue reading Victory At Z3

Amazon Goes Incarna

So we have the minutes from the latest CSM summit and one of the things that’s come up with Incarna is exactly what I’ve been harping on, that functions such as the market, research, or PI that are currently done in simple control panels while docked should not be moved into the avatar/station part of… Continue reading Amazon Goes Incarna

New Portraits aka WoD alpha

Count me as completely unimpressed with the new character creator. No really, it’s not particularly good. It loses the flavor of Eve. Avatars dwell in the uncanny valley, too realistic to be cartoons and too unrealistic to be believable. But worst of all, it’s utterly incomplete. It looks to me like something barely in apha.… Continue reading New Portraits aka WoD alpha