A recent post on the blogroll involving the sale of an old unused character made me think once again about what I’m going to do with Kharai. My main pvp character is easy. She’s heading into fleets and I even know the required fleet fittings for Northern Coalition battleships. I have 48 days until I… Continue reading How Do You Solve A Problem Like Kharai?
Hawaiian Shirts and Shorts…
For those who don’t refresh #tweetfleet every ten minutes whilst at work, there’s been a rather large… well it’s not really a shitstorm… Kartoon thinking he was going to continue as CEO after losing Delve was a shitstorm… this really isn’t that. Perhaps a cat turd and a small fan? But feces is flying, so… Continue reading Hawaiian Shirts and Shorts…
Bye CVA Parody Song
The folks at Planet Risk have a new parody song out bidding goodbye to the CVA Alliance, who were recently ousted from Providence. For those who haven’t followed it, the story as I understand it is that CVA started an ill conceived war and were actually offered the chance to forgive and forget and go… Continue reading Bye CVA Parody Song