We Can’t Stop Here…

This is Bat Country! Quite happy to announce I’m in Bat Country and we are back in Goonswarm where we belong.

Objects at rest…

With major hostilities over and me fairly busy, there haven’t been many fleets forming up when I’ve been online. Though, there have been a good number forming just as I was about to log, which is always frustrating. I’ve been joking for ten years now that I’d be uber if I lived on the west… Continue reading Objects at rest…

“I need a volunteer…”

Sunday was one of those “butterfly effect” sorts of adventures, where things happen that you’re just not expecting and could never happen in a scripted game like WoW. I’ve been trying out interdictors. These are a support ship that does absolutely nothing except fire off large 20km wide bubbles that prevent people from warping out.They… Continue reading “I need a volunteer…”